Table: stripe_subscriptions
This table shows data for Stripe Subscriptions. (opens in a new tab)
The primary key for this table is id. It supports incremental syncs based on the created column.
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
id (PK) | String |
created (Incremental Key) | Timestamp |
application | JSON |
application_fee_percent | Float |
automatic_tax | JSON |
billing_cycle_anchor | Int |
billing_thresholds | JSON |
cancel_at | Int |
cancel_at_period_end | Bool |
canceled_at | Int |
cancellation_details | JSON |
collection_method | String |
currency | String |
current_period_end | Int |
current_period_start | Int |
customer | JSON |
days_until_due | Int |
default_payment_method | JSON |
default_source | JSON |
default_tax_rates | JSON |
description | String |
discount | JSON |
ended_at | Int |
items | JSON |
latest_invoice | JSON |
livemode | Bool |
metadata | JSON |
next_pending_invoice_item_invoice | Int |
object | String |
on_behalf_of | JSON |
pause_collection | JSON |
payment_settings | JSON |
pending_invoice_item_interval | JSON |
pending_setup_intent | JSON |
pending_update | JSON |
schedule | JSON |
start_date | Int |
status | String |
test_clock | JSON |
transfer_data | JSON |
trial_end | Int |
trial_settings | JSON |
trial_start | Int |