Table: googleads_customers
This table shows data for Google Ads Customers. (opens in a new tab)
The composite primary key for this table is (resource_name, id).
The following tables depend on googleads_customers:
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
resource_name (PK) | String |
id (PK) | Int |
descriptive_name | String |
currency_code | String |
time_zone | String |
tracking_url_template | String |
final_url_suffix | String |
auto_tagging_enabled | Bool |
has_partners_badge | Bool |
manager | Bool |
test_account | Bool |
call_reporting_setting | JSON |
conversion_tracking_setting | JSON |
remarketing_setting | JSON |
pay_per_conversion_eligibility_failure_reasons | IntArray |
optimization_score | Float |
optimization_score_weight | Float |
status | String |
location_asset_auto_migration_done | Bool |
image_asset_auto_migration_done | Bool |
location_asset_auto_migration_done_date_time | String |
image_asset_auto_migration_done_date_time | String |